Cedar Hill Next: Comprehensive Plan Update

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Cedar Hill Next is a Comprehensive Plan update project for the City of Cedar Hill. You are invited to join the discussion about the City's goals for the future. We look forward to engaging with you in a meaningful and exciting conversation about the future of the City.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan is a policy document that details the City's long-term vision and goals and outlines the steps necessary to achieve them. The plan is intended to guide growth and development in an organized, efficient, and sustainable manner. To do so, it looks to the future to anticipate trends and issues that could impact how growth and development occur. The plan is long-range in scope, focusing on the ultimate needs of the community rather than the pressing concerns of today.

Comprehensive Plan Update

While the planning horizon for a Comprehensive Plan is typically 20-30 years, it's important to review and update the plan in the interim to ensure the vision described in the plan is still the vision residents have for the community. The City's existing Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2009. Since that time, many of the plan's goals have been completed and new opportunities have been presented. With extensive public participation, residents will create a playbook for the City that outlines the steps needed to achieve the community's vision.

To help us with this important task, the City hired consultants Town Planning & Urban Design Collaborative (TPUDC). After an extensive public participation process, the team has published a draft plan for public review and comment. You can download the plan below and comment through the tool below or join us at an open house to learn more and share your feedback.

Open Houses

If you missed one of the open houses, you can still view the exhibits in person at the Government Center Lobby and the Zula B. Wylie Public Library; or virtually at Virtual Exhibit.pdf. Also, check out this video. Video Presentation_3_with audio.mp4]

Cedar Hill Next is a Comprehensive Plan update project for the City of Cedar Hill. You are invited to join the discussion about the City's goals for the future. We look forward to engaging with you in a meaningful and exciting conversation about the future of the City.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan is a policy document that details the City's long-term vision and goals and outlines the steps necessary to achieve them. The plan is intended to guide growth and development in an organized, efficient, and sustainable manner. To do so, it looks to the future to anticipate trends and issues that could impact how growth and development occur. The plan is long-range in scope, focusing on the ultimate needs of the community rather than the pressing concerns of today.

Comprehensive Plan Update

While the planning horizon for a Comprehensive Plan is typically 20-30 years, it's important to review and update the plan in the interim to ensure the vision described in the plan is still the vision residents have for the community. The City's existing Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2009. Since that time, many of the plan's goals have been completed and new opportunities have been presented. With extensive public participation, residents will create a playbook for the City that outlines the steps needed to achieve the community's vision.

To help us with this important task, the City hired consultants Town Planning & Urban Design Collaborative (TPUDC). After an extensive public participation process, the team has published a draft plan for public review and comment. You can download the plan below and comment through the tool below or join us at an open house to learn more and share your feedback.

Open Houses

If you missed one of the open houses, you can still view the exhibits in person at the Government Center Lobby and the Zula B. Wylie Public Library; or virtually at Virtual Exhibit.pdf. Also, check out this video. Video Presentation_3_with audio.mp4]

Public Comment

Thank you for your feedback on the draft of the “Cedar Hill Next” Comprehensive Plan. Changes have been made and a second draft is available for the community’s review (see the “Document Library” section). The public is still welcome to comment on the draft and to attend the public hearings (see the “Key Dates” section for dates, times and location).

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I'd like to know why there has been glass in the median from an automobile accident that occured over a year ago at N. Clark & FM 1382? Actually, FM 1382 could use some sprucing up since it is a main thoroughfare and representative of the City.

Gwen over 2 years ago

Page 167
At the bottom of the map. the Legend Identifies Existing "Water" Lines. The topic is existing "Sewer" lines. Suggest changing "Water" to "Sewer".

Aquariuzz over 2 years ago

Why are we paying for a service (At &Your Door) that we will never use. We should have the option to opt out.

Amy over 2 years ago

The plan seems well crafted. But I want to know more about 1/ plans for developing the eastside of Uptown Village. It's a good space and, with retail uncertainties, a hotel would seem to be a natural fit. 2/ the plan prominently mentions improving roads and intersections, both for safety and aesthetics. There is nothing mentioned about roundabouts. Many communities have reconfigured existing intersections into roundabouts to slow traffic and avoid left hand turns, which numerous studies have found to be inherently dangerous. 3/ Some buildings that, to me are eyesores, seem to get a pass from the city, i.e., requiring signage and updating facade for former supermarket on eastside of Clark Street. Or derelict structure just south of Babe's Chicken. Lastly, 4/ to me, Downtown Cedar Hill seems one or two businesses away from taking off, really becoming a destination. What is being done to promote this?

Mitch7024 over 2 years ago

First I would like to commend the extensive engagement efforts that have been and continue to be used to obtain citizen's input to create this plan.
I concur with the recommendation to increase the green space target to 25%.
I am excited to see the recommendation that 75% of citizens live within a 10 minute walk to a park but would like to see a higher %.
I concur with removing Road A from future plans to avoid excessively expensive development.
I appreciate the introduction of alternate housing concepts as there is a great need to obtain high quality affordable options for younger and older citizens in order to live, work and play in the same city.

MandRB over 2 years ago

Good to see a website for our community.

Bishops over 2 years ago
Page last updated: 23 Mar 2022, 11:57 AM